In a trio, decision-making is very simple. The vote is always 66%.
These are some fun facts that Katherine, Tannis, and Angie have voted on.
- Who is most likely to get a terrible tattoo? – Angie
- Who is most likely to win a Nobel prize? – Tannis
- Who is most likely to run a marathon? – Katherine
- Who is most likely to spend a week-end bingeing on a TV series they love? (KAT – K and T would watch Great Canadian Baking, A would watch Game of Thrones)
- Who is most likely to live the longest? – Tannis
- Who is most likely to read a book about worms? Katherine
- Who is most likely to spend a weekend in Vegas? Angie
- Who is most likely to go skinny dipping? Katherine
- Who is most likely to listen to a long story? – Tannis
- Who is most likely to save the day? – Katherine
- Who is most likely to know every word to an odd cover song? – Angie (but Katherine is a very close second)
- Who does most of the driving for the trio? – Tannis
- Who snacks the most? – Angie
- Who is the most relaxed pre-show? – Katherine
- Who is the most relaxed post-show? – Angie
- Who stays the coolest at all times? – Tannis
- Who sleeps the most? – Angie
- Who sleeps the least? Tannis
- Who has the best zoom backgrounds? Tannis
- Who is most likely to want to create a spreadsheet? Tannis & Angie (neck and neck)
- Who is diligent about keeping band meeting notes? – Angie (much to the astonishment of the other two)
- Who came from a big family? – Katherine & Tannis (6 kids each)
- Who is most likely to go to France every year? – Tannis (mais oui!)
- What is the correct way to hang toilet paper?
– dangly side nearest the wall – A’s answer
– dangly side towards you – T’s answer
– I’ve never thought about it before – K’s answer
Did you know….
Boreal was formed in 2006 by Katherine Wheatley, Tannis Slimmon and Jude Vadala. Angie Nussey joined in 2018 after Jude retired.
Quick Facts About Katherine…
Katherine’s favourite artists are: Lynn Miles, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor
Katherine’s favourite thing about Songs of Renewal is: We’re singing new songs!! That means we have to rehearse a lot. And that means lots of laughing.
Katherine’s favourite thing about Songs for the Snowy Season is: We only have to remember lyrics that start with the letter “s”: skates, skis, sleds, snowball fights, snowflakes, snowshoes, snow angels, scarves, storms, sleigh bells, solstice and snow-shovelling.
Did you know that Katherine works as an expedition guide/musician on ships in the Antarctic, the Arctic, and Alaska?
Did you know that Katherine worked as a geologist in Flin Flon, MB in the 1980s?
Did you know Katherine and her friend, Jane Lewis host weekly live choirs and zoom sing-alongs in Guelph? And have co-hosted Women’s Music Weekend since 2014?
Did you know Katherine has released 3 solo albums? (check them out here)
Boreal has covered some of Katherine’s songs which were originally recorded on her solo albums:
Hallelujah – listen to the original version here
Water Moves Me – listen to the original version here
Over the Moon – listen to the original version here
Some Sweet Country – listen to the original version with Betty and the Bobs here
Angie’s favourite song by Katherine’s is: Bound to you – listen to the original version here
Tannis’s favourite song by Katherine’s is: Hallelujah (it’s pure joy!) – listen here
Quick Facts About Tannis…
Did you know Tannis’s favourite artists are: You must mean besides Katherine and Angie? Bonnie Raitt, rheostatics and Danny Michel, not necessarily in that order…and I could go on!
Tannis’s favourite thing about Songs of Renewal is: The sheer joy I feel singing these uplifting songs with these two women – harmonizing in more ways than one. Ok, and wearing a sundress instead of winter garb.
Tannis’s favourite thing about Songs for the Snowy Season is: In this era where seasonal gatherings have evolved, the shows remind me of the magical Christmas concerts I used to sing at as a child…in a one room school or a small country church. I hope they help conjure that nostalgia for others as well. Ok, and wearing something warm and shiny!
Did you know Tannis won The Estelle Klein Award in 2020? The award honours the work of an individual or group that has made significant contributions to Ontario’s folk music community.
Did you know Tannis and her partner Lewis wrote a song about the Underground Railroad which has been featured on CBC radio many times? (listen here)
Did you know Tannis has released 3 solo albums and has sung vocals on 77 other CDS?
Did you know Tannis had a career in research at the University of Guelph and has published papers? (don’t check it out here!)
Did you know, in the 60’s, Tannis rode a horse to a one-room schoolhouse at Maskawata, MB?
Did you know Tannis drove a truck during the summer while studying Agriculture at University?
Tannis and her partner Lewis Melville have written many songs together and some of them have been covered by Boreal:
Our Time Now – listen to the original version here
Weathervane – listen to the original version here
My Bike – listen to the original version here
Angie’s favourite song by Tannis and Lewis: Underground Railroad – listen here
Katherine’s favourite song by Tannis and Lewis is Edmonton – listen to original version here.
Quick Facts About Angie…
Did you know Angie’s favourite artists are: Jane Siberry (Issa), Martin Sexton, and Paul Simon?
Angie’s favourite thing about the “Songs of Renewal” tour is that she can wear sweaters most of the time and the driving conditions are delightful. She also loves every song in the show.
Angie’s favourite thing about the “Songs for the Snowy Season” tour is the feeling of warmth and connection as the holiday season brings nostalgia and open-heartedness.
Did you know Angie’s Song, “Warm Hands” (a song that Boreal covers) won for Best Country Song in the 2012 Great American Song Contest? (listen here)
Did you know Angie has released 7 solo albums and a book? (check it out)
Did you know Angie has a TEDx talk about music and spirituality? (check it out)
Did you know Angie LOVES to play with her looper pedal? (check it out)
Boreal has covered some of Angie’s songs which were originally recorded on her solo albums:
Warm Hands – listen to the original version here
Still Hope – listen to the original version here
Count Me Out – listen to the original version here
Quiet Room – listen to the original version here
Katherine’s favourite song by Angie is: “All Your Courage” – listen to original version here
Tannis’s favourite song by Angie is: ‘Shepherd of the Road’. And ‘Winterbirds.’

Katherine Wheatley (photo by Dean Palmer)

Tannis Slimmon (photo by Tony Leighton )

Angie Nusssey (photo by Glorianne Boulrice)